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Exciting, But Not a "Real" Post

Writer's picture: CindyCindy

I started writing a real post for tonight… Really I did.

But between my allergies, some excessive sleepiness caused by several rough nights that my body is still trying to recover from and my exceptionally short attention span, it seems to not be in the cards for this morning.

Instead, I’ve got a little bit of random for you today. And a real post tomorrow (probably).

As a quick recap, on Sunday night we went live on our Facebook page. That was fun—we hadn’t done that before, but I think there could be more of that in the future… Help me talk Kirk into that, okay?

Anyway, we went live to unveil our new logo we did and announce a giveaway… I put the logo on some shirts, and several people have asked how to get their hands on them. The first thing I said was, “THAT’S THE GIVEAWAY!” We’re almost a year into this adventure and had almost 500 followers/likes on Facebook, so we decided that for every 100 people that like/ follow our Facebook page, we’ll give away 1 shirt. So far we’ve passed the 500 mark, so we’re giving away at least 5 shirts. We’ll go through the end of the month, so we could be giving away more!

I bet you'll never guess where our logo came from...

But the other exciting thing is that I’m reworking our website just a smidge to add a page that will show you all of the ways to support us including a link to our new store! My good friend Sara at Sara Hickman Designs will be helping us make the shirts a reality (along with who knows what else along the way… For now we’re starting with shirts) Right now the link needs to be updated (it’s an old link from our fundraiser as a place holder until we’ve got our ducks in a row…), but it’s there!

So that’s our current excitement! Hopefully we’ll have more fun things coming on Facebook, but right now we’re kind of just taking baby steps.

If you have more ideas for us, we’d love to hear them, though! Things you want us to talk about? Fun ideas for discussion amongst all of us? Crazy new ideas for our store? Three- hour videos of Nolan watching YouTube Kids? Okay, no one wants that… Believe us. But you get the idea—we’d love to hear what you want to see from us!

And on that note, I’ll leave you with the promise of a real post to come and my new favorite meme…

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